‘The gentleman of the perverse accuracy’. The historical time and the historical discontinuity in the thought of Michel Foucault





discontinuity, archaeology, genealogy, history, Foucault, philosophy


Undoubtedly, the topic of the discontinuity has gone so far as to capture the attention of a good number of investigators who devote themselves to reflect concerning the philosophy of the French thinker. To place now the look in the topic of the discontinuity promises to open a new analysis seam and perhaps allow to revalue the scope of its philosophical contributions. For such a task, we are going in the first moment to approach the history notion in the thought of foucault from here on to study the development that the above mentioned notion has with the continuity and the discontinuity. Then, we will stop to study the genealogical method to unravel if it is possible to analyze the topic of the discontinuity in view of the genealogy. Will it be possible to look at the topic of the discontinuity as a proper feature of the thought of the French philosopher? To answer this question is the task that this work tries to take to end.

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Author Biography

Osman Daniel Choque Aliaga, Universidad de san Buenaventura

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales
Universidad de san Buenaventura
Bogotá, Colombia
E-mail: junker.odca@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Choque Aliaga, O. D. (2017). ‘The gentleman of the perverse accuracy’. The historical time and the historical discontinuity in the thought of Michel Foucault. Estudios De Filosofía, (55), 119–143. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ef.n55a08



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