Modern contractualism and political guilt


  • Wilson Ricardo Herrera Romero Universidad del Rosario



John Locke, Jaspers, guilt, politics, contractualism, ethos, liberalism, political identity


This article analyzes the problem of how to deal with situations in which our moral beliefs run contrary
to the demands of a Government which counts on the decided support of the majority of members of the
political community to which one belongs. Following the thesis set by Jaspers in The Problem of Guilt,
we will try to show that if the concept of Political Guilt proposed by Jaspers is interpreted in the line
of the liberal philosopher John Locke, new light can be cast on what Political Responsibility means.
This will also enable us to show that the so-called Political Obligations of citizens extend beyond the
institutional requirements, a theme which has recently been the focus of discussion among those scholars
that deal with the question of Political Legitimacy from the perspective of modern Contractualism. The
said extension consists basically in that the citizens have Political Obligations related to the Political
Culture that constitute their Political Identity
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Author Biography

Wilson Ricardo Herrera Romero, Universidad del Rosario

Escuela de Ciencias Humanas
Bogotá, Colombia


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How to Cite

Herrera Romero, W. R. (2010). Modern contractualism and political guilt. Estudios De Filosofía, (42), 59–86.



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