Precautions for a critic to John Rawls´ theory of justice
Rawls, criticism, justice, suppositionsAbstract
Here is briefly stated the Theory of Justice elaborated by Rawls, first on a moral basis, and then (in the so-called second Rawls) the Theory of Justice from a political perspective, with which Rawls tries to justify also the existence of the State, through a Social Contract. The first criticisms to this theory are then analyzed. The thesis is held that Convenience is turned into Utility, without wanting this conversion, in Rawls´ theory, and Utility is converted into a synonym for Justice. This conception is criticized due to the fact that choice made by the majority, for the Convenience of the majority, does not make Law fair. Besides, notice is given to the idea of Equality considered, without much-ado, as synonym for Social Justice, requires a profound reflection. There is, then, an analysis of the basis of the Rawlsian Idea of Justice inasmuch as it seems to identify with the idea of General Utility and distorting the self-same idea of Justice.
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