The Ethics of Discourse and the kantian concept of Duties to one’s own self
Kant, Ethics of Discourse, Duties to one ́s own selfAbstract
This text examines the possibility of reconstructing the kantian concept of the Duties to one`s own self from the Discursive Ethics of Habermas and Apel. In the first place, it tries to display that the concept of Duty to one`s own self doesn`t t easily in the Ethics of Kant himself, if this Ethics is interpreted in a “procedural” sense. Then the text argues that it is impossible to reconstruct the Pre-philosophical Moral Intuition of Duty to one`s own self from an Ethics that is consequently “procedural”, as is Discursive Ethics. Finally, it examines in what sense does the Discursive Interpretation of the Duties to one`s own self reveal a problematic tendency of Discursive Ethics: the tendency to excessively assimilate Morale to Law or to Politics.
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