"Whose truth? What reconciliation?" On "reconciliation" as a political concept


  • Kiell-Åke Nordquist Stockholm School of Theology, Uppsala University




justice, resolutions of conflicts, reconciliation, reparation


The concept of "reconciliation" has become ingrained in the vocabulary of the political sphere for the past two to three decades. Before this time, the concept was used primarily by professions related to theology and psychology. Today there seems to be no major political statement on Justice, War and Peace that does not also mention the ultimate goal of "reconciliation." This fact is interesting not only from the point of view of political science, but also from the conceptual perspective that implies the use of "reconciliation", including some concepts, such as "the truth", "reparation", "justice "," forgiveness "and" peace ". Concepts that are related to fundamentally philosophical and political issues that suddenly seem to be used on a daily basis. [Fragment]

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Author Biography

Kiell-Åke Nordquist, Stockholm School of Theology, Uppsala University

Stockholm School of Theology, Uppsala University



How to Cite

Nordquist, K.- Åke. (2008). "Whose truth? What reconciliation?" On "reconciliation" as a political concept. Estudios De Filosofía, 491–497. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ef.12962