Communists. The Colombian Communist Party In The Post National Front
Communist Party, Left, Political Ideologies, Revolution, InstitutionalizationAbstract
The article analyzes to the Colombian Communist Party (PCC), its organization and internal dynamics during 1974-1986. From the study of his internal documents, of declarations, and other sources is reconstructed the internal dynamics of this organization that has been kept in the political scene from 1930 demonstrating capacity of reproduction and canalizing an important sector of the political opposition. The analysis includes five dimensions that correspond with the structure of the article: origin, the national leadership, the organizational structure, the ways of solving his internal conflicts, ideological orientations and the discipline during the period 1974-1986. The conclusions to which they come near are that the PCC constituted during this period an organization with high degree of institutionalization, with a stable and little renewed leadership, which presented centrifugal trends in the resolution of tensions and conflicts and had an ideological very orthodox conception based on the Marxism-Leninism.
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