International Organizations and their Power Resources. An Analytical Proposal




International Policy, Political Theory, International Organizations, Power, Political Institutions


This study set out to answer the question of what can be considered to be the power resources of international organizations (IOs), as entities partially autonomous from the States that create them. It is argued that the production of certain regulations, the production of information, coercion, and the symbolic component are part of these resources. Thus, the existing literature is reviewed, while attempting to recognize the overlaps and limitations of these resources. The analysis is based on a sociopolitical vision of IOs that seeks to complement the dominant legal view of them; therefore, it goes beyond viewing IOs as mere instruments of States with delegated powers. The study establishes the existence of scopes that allow for the identification of spaces of autonomy and, as a consequence, of power over States by this kind of organizations.

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Author Biography

Jose German Burgos Silva, National University of Colombia

Lawyer. Specialist in Political Science. PhD. in Law. Associate Professor of the National University of Colombia. Professor of the doctorate in Law of the Free University, Colombia


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How to Cite

Burgos Silva, J. G. (2019). International Organizations and their Power Resources. An Analytical Proposal. Estudios Políticos, (54), 149–176.