The Problem of Government in the Political Critical Theory
Political Theory, Self-Government, Hierarchy, Network, Governance, MetagovernanceAbstract
The Political Critical Theory understands the government of the contemporary societies as a process of collective purposes assignment, which implementation is based on three forms of coordination: the systemic self-government of the capitalist market; the hierarchy typical of the bureaucratic-administrative power of the State; and the dialogic asymmetrical networks that reflect the relationship between the different organizations of the civil society. Since a general point of view, this conception accords with the approach of the Theory of Governance. However, there is a big difference between governance and critical perspective as far as the balance between the three forms of coordination (metagovernance) is concerned: The Theory of Governance believes that hierarchy and dialogue must serve the market. On the contrary, the Political Critical Theory claims that the dialogue and a State that is subject to popular control, must govern the market system.
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