Self-Representation of Brazilian Far-Right News Portals in Independent Journalistic Discourse under Critical Discourse Analysis
Public Opinion, Media, Journalism, Far Right, Critical Discourse Analysis, BrazilAbstract
The objective of this study is to analyse the self-definitions provided by Brazil’s far-right digital newspapers and how they align themselves within “independent” journalism. These are the digital newspapers with the highest frequency of participation in Bolsonaro-aligned media. The theoretical framework used is Critical Discourse Analysis, and the methodology employed is qualitative. The Synchronous-Diachronic Method of Linguistic Text Analysis is applied to the corpus. The corpus consists of five texts extracted from the “About Us” section of self-proclaimed independent digital portals during 2022: Aliados Brasil, Foco do Brasil, Jornal da Cidade, Terra Brasil Notícias, and Relevante News. The findings indicate a mobilization of passions, with exaltation of a national hero and his achievements, religious ideals, and discursive representations framed within argumentative paradigms opposing a left considered by them as carrier of drug trafficking, increased censorship, and a supposed gender ideology. The discursive construction of opposition between friend and foe, mobilized by these portals, reveals an oppressive social practice aimed at maintaining ideological hegemony.
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