Pragmatics of Oppositions. The Political Problem of the Multitude


  • Sebastián Gonzalez Montero La Salle University



Radical Democracy, Pluralism, Conflict, Agreement, Struggles, Multitude, Demands


The radicalize democracy can be consider in the agonistic confrontation field
and in the political composition space. The matter has great importance because it forces to try to see that the idea of pluralism, though it implies the permanency of the conflict mustn’t be assumed as the empirical impediment of what might be the suitable accomplishment of the politics. The agonistic politics, at least ideally, would include the confrontation of the conceptions and concrete practices of what is thought as the common good. The unity that would be the result of the hegemonic articulation implies the politic constitution once the differences of the social agents are considered.
Or the politic instauration of the social organization cannot be dissociated from th conflictivity present in the intersubjective life. In this view, to conceive democracy is to admit that it is exactly on the area of the human conflicts that the organization must be tried, in the “founded us” of politics. Finally, the bet is that democracy would work more efficiently if the clash between the social agents is not view as the latent risk to any agreement, but on the contrary, as the guarantee that any propose agreement is kept open to it’s necessary reconfiguration. The hypothesis is that if any agreement supposes the partial stabilization of the differences without the dissolution of the antagonisms, it opens the possibility of the complex and incomplete articulation of the agents in struggle.
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Author Biography

Sebastián Gonzalez Montero, La Salle University

Professional in Philosophy and Master in Philosophy from Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario. Teaching researcher at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Universidad de La Salle. Doctoral candidate in Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.


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How to Cite

Gonzalez Montero, S. (2010). Pragmatics of Oppositions. The Political Problem of the Multitude. Estudios Políticos, (37), 33–72.



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