Laughter therapy in a group of elderly women


  • María M. Villamil G. Remington University Corporation
  • Ángela Quintero E. Remington University Corporation
  • Eucaris Henao V. Remington University Corporation
  • Jairo L. Cardona J. Remington University Corporation



senior, geriatrics, homes for the elderly, laughter therapy


Objective: to explore the benefits of laughter therapy in a group of elderly women belonging to a gerontology center (Envigado, Colombia). Methodology: a qualitative study using a semi-structured interview with 10 adult women aged 59 to 97. The participants were interviewed before and after applying 5 weekly sessions of laughter therapy. Said therapy was administered by the Mediclaun "hospital clowns" group. Results: many of the changes observed in adult women are consistent with the results described in the literature in relation to a more positive attitude, increased confidence in people and acceptance; the participants expressed the past with less pain and had a greater liking towards family support. Conclusions: laughter therapy allows seniors to find the strength to improve their present situation, thus causing positive changes in their own self and in their relationship with their surroundings.
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Author Biographies

María M. Villamil G., Remington University Corporation

Social worker, research professor at the Remington University Corporation, Medellín, Colombia.

Ángela Quintero E., Remington University Corporation

Psychologist, research professor at the Remington University Corporation, Medellín, Colombia.

Eucaris Henao V., Remington University Corporation

Psychologist, research professor at the Remington University Corporation, Medellin, Colombia.

Jairo L. Cardona J., Remington University Corporation

Epidemiologist, research professor at the Remington University Corporation, Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Villamil G. MM, Quintero E. Ángela, Henao V. E, Cardona J. JL. Laughter therapy in a group of elderly women. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2013 Sep. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];31(2):202-8. Available from:



