Evaluation of antimicrobial susceptibility of Salmonella Spp. strains isolated from pork carcasses on Colombia


  • Paula M. Bermúdez D. National University of Colombia
  • Sandra M. Rincón G. National University of Colombia
  • Martha C. Suárez A. National University of Colombia




nontyphoidal salmonellosis, pig saughter, food safety, antimicrobial resistance, Bauer & Kirby


Objective: this study was aimed to establish the patterns of antimicrobial resistance in 155 strains of Salmonella spp. isolated from pig carcasses in slaughter house in Colombia. Methodology: using the disc diffusion method (Bauer & Kirby, 1966) we evaluated nine antibiotics: amoxicillinclavulanic acid (30 ug), ampicillin (10 ug), ceftiofur (30 ug), ciprofloxacin (5 ug), chloramphenicol (30 ug), florfenicol (30 ug), gentamicin (10 ug), sulfadiazine / trimethoprim (25 ug) and tetracycline (30 ug). Results: the results confirm the presence of multiresistant strains of Salmonella spp. in pig slaughter house, showing 30 different patterns of multidrug resistance, the most common was ampicillin, amoxicillin, chloramphenicol, florfenicol and tetracycline in 16.77% (n = 26) strains. Tetracycline and florfenicol were less effective with 94.84% (n = 147) and 47.74% (n = 74) of the resistant strains, respectively. Discussion: it must consolidate monitoring programs and surveillance and control systems to prevent the spread of multiresistant strains in foods of animal origin, with an approach of supply chain of pork, as an essential element of food safety system in Colombia.

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Author Biographies

Paula M. Bermúdez D., National University of Colombia

Veterinary Medicine student, research internship in the Molecular Genetics of Pathogens Group (GEMPA), National University of Colombia.

Sandra M. Rincón G., National University of Colombia

Bacteriologist and Clinical Laboratory, Student of the Master’s Degree in Microbiology, Associate Researcher Molecular Genetics of Pathogens (GEMPA), National University of Colombia.

Martha C. Suárez A., National University of Colombia

Associate Professor of Microbiology, Coordinator of the Molecular Genetics Group of Pathogens (GEMPA). Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Animal Health Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of the National University of Colombia.


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How to Cite

Bermúdez D. PM, Rincón G. SM, Suárez A. MC. Evaluation of antimicrobial susceptibility of Salmonella Spp. strains isolated from pork carcasses on Colombia. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2014 Feb. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];32(1):88-94. Available from: https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/fnsp/article/view/14304


