Profile of Suicide Orientation among Adolescent Students. Villahermosa - Tolima, 2013
mental health, adolescent, suicidal ideation, suicide, depression, family vulnerability, psychoactive substance consumptionAbstract
Objective: To establish a suicide orientation risk profile for adolescents attending high school. The profile is based on the following mental health indicators: depression, family functioning, family vulnerability and psychoactive substance consumption. Likewise, the students were attending educational institutions from the Villahermosa municipality in the department of Tolima, Colombia, in 2013. Methodology: a descriptive, cross-sectional study. The municipal census was used to obtain the data of adolescents who were attending school and whose age ranged from 11 to 19. Results: A total of 554 teenagers were approached, 50.4% which were male; the average age was 14 years; the largest amount of participants was from sixth and seventh grade. Additionally, high and moderate prevalence of suicide orientation risk was observed in 52.1% of the students and the highest values were exhibited by adolescents aged 11 and 14.Conclusions: The suicide orientation profile is characterized on the basis of the following domains of the mental health indicators: depression, family vulnerability and psychoactive substance consumption. The results show thus a public health problem of great magnitude in this municipality. It should therefore be addressed interinstitutionally both at the individual and family levels.
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