Epistemological Trends in Public Health Actions. A Review from the Standpoint of Physiotherapy
epistemology, physiotherapy, health-disease process, public healthAbstract
Objective: to analyze the epistemological trends in public health in comparison with the possibilities of physiotherapy actions. Methodology: the literature was identified through the exploratory systematic review proposed by Manchado. Three databases were used to this end. Likewise, the quality of the papers was assessed using two scales: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network and JADAD. The central analysis categories were the models of the health-disease process. The initial search yielded 118 papers, of which 39 were taken into account for the study. Results and discussion: it was found that public health has had different epistemological trends that are explained by socio-political and legal changes in countries and professions. We also found a conceptual evolution that moves beyond the biological aspects in favor of social, interdisciplinary and complex approaches; however, there is still evidence of the prevalence of the epidemiological model in the interventions. This may be associated with young professions such as physiotherapy, which, despite having emerged with a purely rehabilitative approach, has been expanding its fields of practice in order to participate in public health activities. However, this participation is incipient and its impact on practice is not strong enough. Therefore, it is necessary to develop strategies that make it possible to bring knowledge into practice. This will allow physiotherapy to contribute, from its own subject of study, to an integrated approach to the health of the population in order to ensure that they are appropriating their health conditions for their wellbeing and quality of life.
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