Adherence to Home Respiratory Therapy Plans among Patients with Chronic Diseases from the Home Care Program, Cali, 2014


  • Anisbed Naranjo Rojas University of Santiago de Cali
  • Juan C. Millán University of Santiago de Cali
  • Marisel Orrego University of Santiago de Cali



adherence to treatment, adherence, chronic non-communicable disease, caregiver, patient


Objective: to assess the adherence to home respiratory therapy plans in patients with chronic diseases from a home care program whose treatments include respiratory therapy practice in the city of Santiago de Cali, Colombia. This study focused mainly on the patients affiliated to the home care program of the SISANAR health care providing institution. Methodology: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was
conducted. The studied population consisted of 83 adults aged 45 to 85 with chronic pathologies which did not alter cognitive functions. These patients were part of the respiratory therapy program of the SISANAR health care providing institution. An interview geared at both patients and primary caregivers was designed.
Results: the behavior between the variables analyzed was not parallel for both variables. This was due
either to factors such as affiliation type (which is the case of the home care program vs. the General System for Social Security in Health), or to a behavior reflecting a difference in the number of sessions per month and the activities recorded in the home care plan. Discussion: this study found that home plans show that adherence is effective but highly dependent on both compliance with activities and the initial management
provided by the patients’ social security system.
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Author Biographies

Anisbed Naranjo Rojas, University of Santiago de Cali

Master in Management in Health Services. University of Santiago de Cali, Cali, Colombia.

Juan C. Millán, University of Santiago de Cali

Master in Epidemiology, Master in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development. University of Santiago de Cali, Cali, Colombia.

Marisel Orrego, University of Santiago de Cali

Respiratory Therapist. University of Santiago de Cali, Cali, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Naranjo Rojas A, Millán JC, Orrego M. Adherence to Home Respiratory Therapy Plans among Patients with Chronic Diseases from the Home Care Program, Cali, 2014. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2016 May 21 [cited 2025 Feb. 1];34(2):212-9. Available from:



