Vulnerability and Risk Resulting from Pesticides in Horticulture in the Greenbelt of Cordoba, Argentina
labour, risk, occupational health, health vulnerability, pesticide exposure, urban agricultureAbstract
The Greenbelt of the City of Cordoba (cvcc) (in Spanish, Cinturón Verde de la Ciudad de Córdoba) in Argentina is characterized by the reproduction of unequal relations, informality and weak government institutions to regulate on-the-job exposure to pesticides. Objective: This study intends to visualize vulnerability and risk situations as a social- material construction which affects people working in productive horticulture units in the cvcc associated with living and working conditions. Methodology: This is a correlational descriptive epidemiological study, and 101 workers/producers were part of the sample with a 95% level of confidence. Information was collected using surveys asking about sociodemographic aspects, life, work practices, crops, lifestyles and healthcare conditions of workers/producers and their families. Descriptive statistics were calculated using Pearson’s Xi2 test as a hypothesis test and a multiple correspondence factor analysis. Results: we found differences regarding vulnerability and risks in an owners’ group, and a tenants-sharecroppers’ group. In the first group, the objective is a risk related to a lack of caution when using pesticides, and in the second group, situations of vulnerability related to a reproduction of unequal relations. Understanding vulnerability and risk from a working condition allows a specification of aspects regarding exposure to pesticides which must be contemplated in healthcare programs.
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