Epidemiological Profile of Patients from the Home Hospitalization Service of a Level 3 Institution in the Aburrá Valley, 2015
health profile, prevalence, outpatient care, ColombiaAbstract
Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of patients referred to the home hospitalization service by a level 3 institution in the Aburrá Valley, in 2015. Methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive study of treated patients (n = 4956 patients and 109 032 records). The source of information corresponds to the 2015 database of the home care service of a level 3 institution in the Aburrá Valley. Distribution was determined by age, sex, type of pathology, spatial location and type of treatment management. Results: The service was provided mostly to women (55%) with ages between 50 and 90 years. Patients came mainly from socioeconomic strata 1, 2 and 3, belonging to the contributory regime. The four main pathologies are: skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases (CIE-10 L00-L99, 32%) associated with management of surgical wounds, genitourinary system diseases (CIE-10 N00-N99, 21%), respiratory diseases (CIE-10 J00-J99, 18%) and infectious and parasitic diseases (CIE-10 A00-B99, 7%). Conclusions: Home hospitalization in the Aburrá Valley focuses in the care of the elderly, especially women over 50, whose management plan involves the supply of antibiotics in the majority of cases.
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