Information for makingdecisions in planninglocal development


  • Jenny Andrea Vélez V Universidad de Antioquia
  • Claudia Patricia Llantén M señora
  • Ligia de Salazar señora



Decision making, participative planning, public information, regional development


Objective: to establish relationships between information and decision making in planning local develop-
ment, in Cali, Colombia, studying the information usage in a process of territorial planning. Methods:
information was collected through semistructured interviews, focal groups, and document review. Nineteen study categories were defined through deductive and inductive analysis. Methods and sources were contrasted and compared via horizontal and vertical analysis. A quest was accomplished about the actors and their decisions and about the type of information they used as well as the needs of information, its flows and its usage. Results: values underlying the actors’ decisions were identified and pointed out as values based on their perceptions. Information is conceived as a means that should be controlled. It was observed that equal participation is expressed as a value but not carried out in practice. Among the determinants of usage the following were identified: information that neglects community needs, a feeling of impotence in the communities, mistrust on the process and on the government, and a reduced vision of planning as if it merely were as money assignment. Discussion: it is mandatory to establish processes of information that value, qualify, and complement community knowledge with an improvement of the institutional knowledge, bringing together communities and government in a political process aiming to empowerment towards a balanced participation in development related decisions.
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Author Biography

Jenny Andrea Vélez V, Universidad de Antioquia

Profesor Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública


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How to Cite

Vélez V JA, Llantén M CP, de Salazar L. Information for makingdecisions in planninglocal development. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2009 Feb. 9 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];22(1). Available from:


