Comunicación y pensamiento comprensivo: el abrazo inclusivo de la comprensión como método


  • Dimas A. Künsch Metyman University of São Paulo
  • Mateus Yuri Passos Metyman University of São Paulo
  • Raúl Osorio Vargas University of Antioquia


communication, epistemology of communication, comprehension as a method


This essay focuses in clarifying our understanding of “comprehension” and  our  notion  of  comprehension  as  a  method  among  the  scholarly  studies  and  researches  of  the  research  group  “Of  comprehension  as  a  method”.  We  also  discuss  the  body  of  texts  published  in  the  special  edition  of  the  Folios  journal  (nº  39  -  jan.-jun.  2018)  that  features  as  its  subject  “Thinking  under  the  sign  of  comprehension”,  in  order  to  understand how different authors suggest or propose a link between their work and the perspective of comprehensive thinking. Essay writing is featured in the work of the research group as a methodological option for  a  genre  which,  when  not  poorly  performed,  presents  itself  as  a  dialogical, conversational, comprehensive mode of writing.

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Author Biographies

Dimas A. Künsch, Metyman University of São Paulo

PhD in Communication Sciences and Master in Integration of Latin America. Professor of the Graduate Program in Social Communication at the Metydian University of São Paulo. 

Mateus Yuri Passos, Metyman University of São Paulo

PhD in Literary Theory and History and Master of Science. Technology and Society by the Federal University of São Carlos. Professor of the Graduate Program in Social Communication at the Metydian University of São Paulo. 

Raúl Osorio Vargas, University of Antioquia

PhD and Master in Communication Sciences, area of concentration epistemology of Journalism,by the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo. Full Professor at the University of Antioquia in the Faculty of Communications. 


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How to Cite

Künsch, D. A., Passos, M. Y., & Osorio Vargas, R. (2019). Comunicación y pensamiento comprensivo: el abrazo inclusivo de la comprensión como método. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (39), 9–24. Retrieved from




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