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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal. Otherwise, please provide an explanation in the "Comments for the Editor" field.

  • The work to be submitted complies with the specifications provided in the Author Guidelines (located at the bottom of this list).

  • The document adheres to the recommendations of the ICMJE for academic papers in medical journals..

  • The subject classification of your article is authorized by DeCS - Health Science Descriptors. Consult the DeCS..

  • It was verified that the names of the authors and sponsoring entities are not found in the article file. This will ensure double-blind peer review.

  • All the links used in the article file are functioning correctly.

  • The formats 1 and 2 have been filled out, as well as the cover letter for the article.

  • The bibliographic references include the Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

  • The authors listed in Formats 1 and 2 must be registered in the contributors section; once the registration is completed, this section cannot be modified.

  • Approval letter from the ethics committee.

Author Guidelines

Indications for authors

IATREIA journal is the official scientific publication of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Antioquia since 1988. Its mission is to disseminate high-quality scientific knowledge on diversity of aspects of the health-disease process, medical practice and education, and health-related professions in the world.


1. To submit your contributions, you must start with the registration process in the link “REGISTER” located in the Submission section of the journal’s web page.

2. The journal receives articles in both Spanish and English (See item 9.1) and according to the type of contributions detailed below. For classification purposes, the first three articles are the most important:

    • Original Research Article: a paper that presents in detail the original results of research projects. The structure that is generally used contains four sections: introduction, methods, results, and discussion.
    • Reflection Article: a paper that presents research results from the author’s analytical, interpretative, or critical perspective on a specific topic, using original sources.
    • Review Article: a paper resulting from a search for information where the results of published or unpublished research on a science or technology field are analyzed, systematized, and integrated in order to report on the advances and development trends.  Systematic reviews following PRISMA guidelines are preferred.
    • Case Report: a paper that presents the description and analysis of a particular clinical case of new conditions, or unreported, unexpected or unusual adverse effects, disease presentations or variations.  Must follow the CARE guidelines.
    • Letters to the Editor: critical, analytical, or interpretative viewpoints on the papers published by the journal which, in the opinion of the Editorial Committee, make an important contribution to the subject’s discussion by the scientific community of reference.
    • Short Communication: short and concise reports of original studies, or preliminary reports thereof. They do not have an abstract, but include the four-section structure: introduction, methods, results, and discussion.

All submissions requested by the Editorial Committee such as reviews of specific topics, editorials, or critical updates will not be evaluated by external peers but by the Editorial Committee itself.

Authors are encouraged to review the Equator Network ( reporting guidelines for the main study types.

3. Papers must be unpublished and submitted exclusively for IATREIA's consideration; exceptions are made for the reproduction of articles of special interest with the author or editor’s permission.IATREIA does not charge authors for the processing of articles.

4. The paper must be submitted using the OJS program through the journal’s web page. The sender must keep a copy of all the sent material as the journal does not assume responsibility for damage or loss.

    • The maximum acceptable length for review or reflection articles is 3500 words; 3000 for original articles; 1500 for case reports and short communications; this excludes abstract, references, tables, and figures. Tables and Figures must be inserted at the end of the references to facilitate the word count for the required extension. The manuscript file must be double-spaced and use a size 12 font, continuous line numbers and page numbers.
    • The abstract of all articles should include introduction, objectives, methods, results and conclusions in a maximum of 200 words. The Editorial Committee reserves its right to make adjustments in the wording and length of the papers.
    • To submit a paper, the five steps established in the system must be followed. See instructions.

5. The paper must be accompanied by two forms:

      • Form 1. Presentation of the article, which states that all authors authorize the IATREIA journal to evaluate, review, and publish the submitted article.
      • Form 2. Authorization for publication and authorship responsibility. The authors give the journal the authorization to publish in digital form and in the different databases the unpublished and original manuscript and specify what their contribution to its development has been, as indicated in the journal’s Code of Ethics. The journal accepts the inclusion of up to two main authors. IATREIA does not accept the addition or withdrawal of authors after the editorial process of the manuscripts has begun. In exceptional cases accepted by the Editorial Committee, it will be mandatory to send written consent from the authors whose names are to be removed or added; the latter must fill out forms 1 and 2 in their entirety.

6. Normalization of author citation: in order to be cited in the different scientific indices, authors must take into account that when both last names are used (e.g., Pedro Álvarez Jaramillo), some of these indices take the second last name as if it were the first (e.g., Jaramillo PA). To avoid this situation, the journal will use a hyphen between the two last names (e.g., Pedro Álvarez-Jaramillo = Álvarez-Jaramillo P), unless the author indicates something different.

7. Approval letter from the ethics committee

To ensure transparency and compliance with ethical principles in medical research, authors must submit the approval letter for their study issued by the ethics committee of their institution.

8. The ideas expressed in the article are the sole responsibility of the authors.

9. All articles shall have a title, keywords (three to five valid keywords in DeCS), and abstract in Spanish and English. The order of the research articles shall be: title, abstract, keywords, title in English, abstract in English, keywords in English, introduction, methods, results and discussion, acknowledgments (when necessary), and bibliography. This metadata should appear in both English and Spanish.

    • For the submission of articles in English by non-native speakers spelling, grammar and style must be checked. A certificate by an official translator, an editor, or a company with recognized experience in editing medical texts, may be requested.

10. Abbreviations are explained at their first appearance and continue to be used thereafter.

11. Generic names of drugs must be used; commercial names may be included as a footnote.

12. Tables and charts are called TABLES and are numbered in Arabic numerals according to their order of appearance. Their corresponding title is placed at the top of the table and the footnotes at the bottom. Symbols for units must appear in the column headings. If it is necessary to specify some information, use the following symbols according to the order of appearance in the respective table: * † ‡ § || ¶ ** †† ‡‡. §§, ||||, ¶¶, etc.

13. Photographs, graphs, drawings, and diagrams are called FIGURES. They are numbered according to the order of appearance and their captions must be at the bottom left margin. In the case of microphotographs, the magnification used must be indicated. Persons, or their names, should not be identifiable in the photographs or written permission is required for publication.

Figures must be sent in high-resolution format from 300 dpi; if it includes text, the minimum resolution shall be 600 dpi. In case the figure includes lines and text, the resolution must be at least 800 dpi. The color palette is CMYK or grayscale.

Regarding the previous two points, the journal has a guide that specifies how graphic attachments should be presented. We provide the link to it below: guide for the presentation of graphic appendices.

14. All tables and figures must specify the source (even those created by the authors). When these have been taken from printed or electronic magazines or books, the authorization of the respective publication for their reproduction must be attached. In addition, in possible cases, explanatory notes should be placed below them.

15. The IATREIA journal uses the double-blind peer review system, making explicit the anonymity used in the evaluation. To ensure double-blind peer review, the names or academic titles of the authors, or the sponsoring entity, if any, should not appear anywhere in the article file.

16. The IATREIA journal is guided by the principles of uniformity indicated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Therefore, for additional details on how to submit papers and their bibliographies, it is recommended to consult the document: Unified Requirements for papers submitted to Biomedical Journals.


Citations in the text

They are made through calls with a single Arabic number assigned in order of citation; this must be in parentheses, when a work is cited more than once, it will keep the same number:

-A single citation:

The Ministry of Health (4) recently estimated that hepatitis...

-More than one citation, separated by a comma without space:

In schoolchildren, physical activity zones predominate (21.40); these data are...

-Correlative citations, the first and the last are mentioned separated by hyphen:

Intracerebral hematomas that are identified with cranial tomography (47-49).



It is numbered according to the order of appearance of the citation in the text, references on the subject that have been published in international or national journals should be provided and the Digital Object Identifier DOI of those that have it should be included, in order to enable readers to identify them and access them directly. In the following link, you can be guided to make the list of bibliographic references under Vancouver style:

For further information, please contact the IATREIA journal, School of Medicine, by e-mail:

Original research

It is a document that presents in detail the original results of research projects. The structure contains four important sections: introduction, methods, results and discussion.

Review articles

It is an article that analyzed, systematized and integrated research results, published or unpublished, on a field of science or technology, in order to account for the progress and development trends. This document is characterized by careful literature review of at least 50 references.  Systematic reviews following PRISMA guidelines are preferred.

Medical education

Document where reflections or studies are presented in relation to medical education.

Reflection articles

It is a document that presents research results on a specific topic, from an analytical, interpretive or critical point of view and that uses original sources. 


Document written by the Editor, by a member of the Editorial Board or by a guest researcher on orientations in the subject domain of the journal.

-Extension: maximum 1200 words

-Bibliographic references: maximum 10 

-Must have a title in English

-Must have Keywords registered in DeCS

Case reports

It is a document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to make known the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It must follow the CARE guidelines, including the complete checklist.

History of Medicine

Document presenting the historical aspect of medicine.

In Memoriam

Sección dedicada a recordar aquellas personas ahora ausentes.


Independent publication that is added to the journal and that entregapor separately.

Bibliographic showcase

Reviews of new books on health issues.

Clinical Pathology Case Conference (CPC)

A clinician presents an interesting case that has undergone autopsy, the the pathologist presents the most relevant histopathological findings to clarify the cause of death.

Letter to the Editor

A section dedicated to the publication of readers' communications.

-Bibliographic references: maximum 10 
-Must have English degree
-Must have Keywords registered in DeCS

Short communication

Short and concise reports of original studies, or preliminary reports of the same, with a maximum length of 1500 words (not counting tables, figures, or references), and a maximum of 15 references. They are structured with the introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections. The presentation of the manuscript should be in size 12 font, double-space and numbered lines.

Respuesta Carta al editor

A section dedicated to the publication of readers' communications.

-Bibliographic references: maximum 10 
-Must have English degree
-Must have Keywords registered in DeCS

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.