Evaluation with COPD-PS questionnaire and Vitalograph COPD-6 portable device as a strategy for early diagnosis of COPD in primary care
forced expiratory volume, lung volume measurements, mass screening, pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive, risk factorsAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the use of the COPD-PS questionnaire and the Vitalograph COPD-6 portable device, as a strategy for the early diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in two primary care units of the state social enterprise (ESE): Metrosalud, Medellin-Colombia in 2017.
Methods: A cross-sectional study to early detection of COPD, in people older than 35 years without previous diagnosis of the disease or other underlying respiratory diseases. The “COPD-PS” case detection-screening test was applied for identify respiratory risk factors and then the forced expiratory volume test (VEF1/VEF6) with the portable device Vitalograph-COPD-6.
Results: Of 1485 COPD-PS screening tests, 198 had a score equal to or greater than four, so they were tested with the Vitalograph device, of which 147 (74.2%) were positive.
Discussion: The underreporting of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is currently described as a serious problem worldwide. The use of the COPD-PS questionnaire for the identification of patients with risk factors and the Vitalograph COPD-6 as a lung function test, can be useful tools to implement an effective strategy to reduce COPD underreporting.
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