Resilience in pregnant adolescents of the Colombian Caribbean, evaluation with the Wagnild and Young scale




pregnancy in adolescence, risk factors, resilience, psychological, adolescent health services


Introduction: Adolescents present biological changes and receive social influences which predispose them
to pregnancies at early age.

Objective: To evaluate resilience in a group of pregnant adolescents, to estimate the frequency of low resilience level and identify associated psychosocial factors.

Methodology: Cross-sectional study in pregnant adolescents who went to prenatal visit in Cartagena, Colombia. A sociodemographic characteristics questionnaire and validated scales on resilience, familism, religiosity, spirituality, family functionality, partner violence, happiness and self-esteem were applied. Two groups were compared: high/moderate resilience level (HMRL) and low resilience level (LRL). Multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify factors associated with LRL.

Results: 499 pregnant adolescents were studied, average age 17 years, half belonging to dysfunctional families. Sixty four (12,8%) had LRL and were associated factors: low familism OR: 4,736 (IC95%: 2,673-,392),
low self-esteem OR: 4,257 (IC95%: 1,363-13,295), family dysfunction OR: 3,902 (IC95%: 2,052-7,422), partner
violence OR:2,689 (IC95%: 1,082-6,678), poor spirituality OR: 2,503 (IC95%: 1,461-4,287) and reduced happiness OR: 2,063 (IC95%: 1,214-3,506).

Conclusion: In a city of the Colombian Caribbean, in thirteen of every one hundred pregnant adolescents who attend to prenatal visit, LRL was found. Family dysfunction, partner violence in pregnancy, poor spirituality, reduced subjective happiness, low familism and low level of self-esteem, were associated with LRL.

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Author Biographies

Álvaro Monterrosa-Castro, University of Cartagena

Physician. Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Teacher. Leader of the Women's Health Research Group. Faculty of Medicine.


Liezel Ulloque-Caamaño, University of Cartagena

Physician. Magister in Epidemiology. Member of the Women's Health Research Group. Faculty of Medicine.

Candelaria Colón-Iriarte, University of Cartagena

Nurse. Master in Gender Studies, Women and Development area. Professor. Member of the Health, Women and Children Research Group. Faculty of Nursing.

Ester Polo-Payares, University of Cartagena

Nurse. Master in Gender Studies, Women and Development area. Professor. Member of the Health, Women and Children Research Group. Faculty of Nursing.


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How to Cite

Monterrosa-Castro Álvaro, Ulloque-Caamaño L, Colón-Iriarte C, Polo-Payares E. Resilience in pregnant adolescents of the Colombian Caribbean, evaluation with the Wagnild and Young scale. Iatreia [Internet]. 2020 Feb. 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];33(3):209-21. Available from:



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