Spirituality and humanization according to nursing undergraduates: an action research


  • Gisele Coscrato RN, Ph.D. University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing - EERP-USP-, Brazil. email: gcoscrato@yahoo.com.br.
  • Sonia Maria Villela Bueno Pedagogue, Ph.D. EERP-USP, Brazil. email: smvbueno@eerp.usp.br.




Nursing, spirituality, humanization of assistance, nursing education research, education, higher.


Objective. To know the conceptions of undergraduates from the Teaching Diploma Program with Bachelor degree in Nursing at a public state-owned higher education institution in an interior city in the State of São Paulo about spirituality and humanization, as well as to propose educative action in that sense.

Methodoly. A qualitative study was undertaken, using the action research method. The data were collected in the second semester of 2012 through participant observation, registered in a field diary, and interviews with the help of questionnaires. For the interpretative data analysis, categorization was used.

Results. The implicit predominance of the technical-procedure care discourse was observed, to the detriment of the educational care discourse, as complementary constructs, according to the participants’ statements. Nevertheless, the educational action permitted constructivism and the problematization of knowledge.

Conclusion. Although the results may not reflect the reality at the investigated institution, it is concluded that the academic education of nurse educators is a moment of possibilities to include spirituality and humanization, regarding the development of competences that grant individual support to patients and families, in health promotion and coping with disease situations. 


How to cite this article: Costrato G, Bueno SMV.  Costrato G, Bueno SMV.  Spirituality and humanization according to nursing undergraduates. An action research. Invest Educ Enferm. 2015; 33(1): 

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How to Cite

Coscrato, G., & Villela Bueno, S. M. (2015). Spirituality and humanization according to nursing undergraduates: an action research. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 33(1). https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.21890




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