Interface between women’s health and violence in the training of nurses in Brazil
women's health, women, violence, nursing, nursing educationAbstract
Objective. To analyze the theoretical interfaces of violence against women in the nursing undergraduate curricula of public Higher Education Institutions in Brazil. Methods. Documentary and descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The documentary search happened through the access to the E-mec website for the identification of public Higher Education Institutions for undergraduate nursing degree in Brazil. The menus available online from educational institutions that contained the terms “woman” and “violence” were analyzed. Data processing took place using the IraMuTeQ software, and they were analyzed using the Descending Hierarchical Classification technique. Results. The analysis by the software resulted in an important degree of utilization (72.95%), since, of the 244 segments of texts from the menus, 178 were retained. The analysis by the Descending Hierarchical Classification resulted in four thematic categories: Violence against women as a pathological process linked to sexual and reproductive health; Women’s Health: Care, epidemiological, social and cultural aspects; Gender as an analytical category; and Children’s and Adolescents’ Care. Conclusion. It was found a connection between the terms “woman” and “violence” to the sexual and reproductive aspects of women (physiological and pathological natures) susceptible to intervention; however, the gender approach is recognized as an analytical category for understanding the vulnerabilities of the female audience to illness and violence.
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