Development and Validation of a questionnaire on human dignity in nursing cares: an exploratory sequential mixed study


  • Ali Dehghani



personal respect, psychometrics, reproducibility of results, nursing care


Objective. The current study aimed to develop and validate of human dignity questionnaire in nursing care.

Methods. The present research is a sequential exploratory mixed method study. The questionnaire was developed and validated in three phases: (1) the concept of human dignity was defined through conventional content analysis qualitative approach, (2) early items of questionnaire was generated according to findings of the first phase, (3) validation of the questionnaire was evaluated using face, content and construct validity as well as reliability. The study was conducted with the participation of 13 nurses in the qualitative section and 203 nurses in the quantitative section in teaching hospitals affiliated to Jahrom University of Medical Sciences (Iran).

Results. In the qualitative section, the definition and dimensions of the concept of human dignity in nursing care were discovered. In the quantitative section, the initial pool of items for the questionnaire of human dignity in nursing care was formed using the results of the qualitative section of the study and review of texts and related questionnaires. In factor analysis, four subscales including: respectful communication, equality of patient human value, preservation of privacy and patient-centered care were extracted by Eigen value above one. Internal consistency and stability of the questionnaire were calculated as 0.85 and 0.80, respectively, indicating an excellent reliability.

Conclusions. The 20-item developed questionnaire is valid and reliable for measurement of human dignity questionnaire in nursing cares

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2024-07-22 — Updated on 2024-08-17


How to Cite

Dehghani, A. (2024). Development and Validation of a questionnaire on human dignity in nursing cares: an exploratory sequential mixed study. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 42(2). (Original work published July 22, 2024)

