Evaluación de la susceptibilidad a la corrosión de recipientes de hojalata en diferentes soluciones usando técnicas electroquímicas


  • Jorge Calderón Universidad de Antioquia
  • Carmen Buitrago Universidad de Antioquia



Palabras clave:

hojalata, técnicas electroquímicas, corrosión en contenedores


Corrosion of lacquered tinplate cans in different solutions was assessed using electrochemical methods. Samples with and without lacquer coating were exposed to different solutions and their susceptibility to corrosion was evaluated using cyclic voltammetry, Tafel curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The possible formation of a passive layer on the container surface was evaluated according to the kind of hysteresis presented in the fi rst cycle of voltammeter measurements. Tafel plots showed how the behaviour of the tin layer can change from anodic to cathodic depending on the nature of the solution in contact with it, revealing the risk of localized corrosion. The effect of one additive in the solutions on the electrochemical performance containers was evaluated by electrochemical impedance. The impedance showed a deleterious effect of the additive, and corrosion processes appeared more quickly in containers packed with solutions modifi ed with additive.

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Biografía del autor/a

Jorge Calderón, Universidad de Antioquia

Grupo de corrosión y protección

Carmen Buitrago, Universidad de Antioquia

Grupo de corrosión y protección


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Cómo citar

Calderón, J., & Buitrago, C. (2014). Evaluación de la susceptibilidad a la corrosión de recipientes de hojalata en diferentes soluciones usando técnicas electroquímicas. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (42), 30–37. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.18829