Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). Fill the cover letter
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word or LaTeX text file format. Download the forms in Guide for authors
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found below.
Author Guidelines
- Our journal accepts unpublished and state-of-the-art manuscripts, written in English only. All papers must be submitted with a Cover Letter stating it is an unpublished article which is not undergoing current publishing processes elsewhere. It should also specify that all authors agree with contents therein and they give the publishing rights to Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (REDIN) from Universidad de Antioquia. The following information shall be included in the following letter.
Authors who submit an article to redin must contribute by reviewing another manuscript within their broad area of knowledge, during the timeframe of the evaluation of the submitted article or after it has been published, upon the journal’s request.
All authors must register their complete information in the OJS system, including complete information on the ORCID identifier; URL (Google Scholar), competing interest, Supporting Agencies.
- Research papers should not exceed 20 Letter-sized pages written with 12-pt. Times New Roman font in single space, and with symmetric margins of 2,5 cm. All lines of the paper must be numbered to facilitate the reviewing process. All papers shall contain: title in English (Maximum 15 words) and Spanish, abstract (maximum 230 words) in English and Spanish, keywords (maximum 5 words) in English and Spanish, introduction, experimentation, results and discussion, conclusions, declaration of Competing Interest (Do you perceive conflict of interest on this paper?), acknowledgements (Option), Funding (Who funded the research), Authors contributions (Contributions of each author, the contributions are not the reviewing, copyediting, edition and language english reviewing), Available statement (For the origin of the data, the following information should be included: how, when, where, and the data collection methods (for example, instruments). or The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article [and/or] its supplementary materials and references. tables and figures must be inserted and placed along the text.
State-of-the-art papers should preferably not exceed 30 Letter-sized pages written with 12-pt. Times New Roman font in single space, and with symmetric margins of 2,5 cm. All papers shall contain: title in English and Spanish, abstract in English and Spanish, keywords in English and Spanish, introduction, subject development, conclusions, acknowledgements (optional) and references. Tables and figures taken from other sources must be referenced in footnote. The main author of a sate-of-the-art paper must relate five publications of his own on the same subject in the cover letter and copyright transfer agreement. Tables and figures must be inserted and placed along the text. State-of-the-art papers may have a maximum of five self-citations in the last five years and must report at least 50 references.
In order to standardize the keywords and improve the visibility of the articles published in the Journal, it is suggested the use of the Thesaurus tool to select appropriately these words (maximum 5 words). Similarly, as far as possible, title tags should not be repeated in keywords.
Research articles or state-of-the-art reviews that involve human subjects must include approval from the ethics committee and an informed consent form from the research group, properly signed.
The title should accurately, clearly, and concisely reflect the emphasis and content of the paper.
Both, Resumen and the Abstract must be consistent in both languages (English and Spanish), they must clearly describe the importance of the work, methodology, results and conclusions. Also in the Resumen and in the Abstract it is recommended the use of Thesaurus and terms different to those used in the title to expand the possibilities of retrieving the paper through searches in databases or open internet.
The methodology presented must be sufficiently clear and descriptive, so that any reader can easily understand it, both the materials (purity, brand, origin, etc.) and methods and equipment must be well specified (standards, protocols, models, resolution of measurement of equipment, etc.).
The results must be presented logically reflecting a thematic or methodological order. They must indicate the respective standard deviations and must be interpreted and explained. Do not repeat the presentation of results in tables and figures, authors should use only one of the two options. The papers to be published in this Journal should present a good structure, be clear and easy to understand even for readers who are not experts in the subject. It should ensure the use of technical terms and not the common jargon; The abbreviations, acronyms, and terms of equations must be defined at least the first time they are mentioned in the document.
It is recommended to use the international system of units, including equations and calculations when the papers contain them.
Check the figures and tables are presented in the text correctly.
The conclusions should be based on the observations and results already discussed, and must be coherent clear, objective and conclusive, not a summary of the results.
Regarding bibliographic references, it is important to verify that they are updated, sufficient, that are not redundant, coming from reliable information sources, and verifiy that no more than 20% self-citations are used in the paper.
Authors using Word format may download the template
Authors using a LATEX format may download the template and follow the guidelines.
- To compile in XeLatex, no other compilers should be used.
- The .bib file sent by redin- shall be used.
- The figures must be a size of 500 kb
- The IEEETran bibliography style shall be used, and citations must be numbered sequentially.
- Upon request, please send the .tex files during the style process.
- Use Eqref to cite the equations in label, the floating files as Fig1, Fig2.
- In case of generating figures using TKIZ package, please attach figures individually in PDF format.
- At the end of each paragraph, use a line break.
- The Editorial Board reserves the right to make adjustments to the paper in order to preserve the style of the journal.
- Authors should provide the next information: citation name (in the paper), ORCID, mailing address, e-mail, work institution, and phone number including country code. This contact author must have the consent from all authors for publishing the paper.
- The contact author is responsible for communicating with the journal and must include those who contributed as authors, to ensure that all authors agree with the contents of the paper and that all changes made (e.g. order of appearance for the authors, addition or deletion of authors) have been approved by each author. The contact author is also responsible for informing the co-authors on the state of the paper before and after publishing. The concept of author in the scientific publications is applied to those who write the original and, at the same time, contribute significantly to the research development. To be listed as author implies to accept public responsibility for the contents of the paper.
- Papers should be submitted only through the Journal's website, following the instructions on the software.
- Text should be typed without format, in Times New Roman, 12 pt.
- Paragraphs must be justified, without line spacing between them and without splitting words.
- A single space should be used between words, as well as after a comma, colon, semi-colon, parenthesis, and period.
- To add a line break at the end of the paragraph
- Please write dashes next to the attached word, and prefer hyphens without a space when connecting two words or numbers (e.g. physical-chemical, 1999-2000.)
For equations, use the MathType equation editor, which can be downloaded for free from the WEB. This application has the same use as any equation editor. Select Cambria Math font, size 14, using the options Style/define/Cambria Math/Apply and Size/define/full 14/Apply. Copy and paste the equation to Word
- Figures, Tables and Equations (use the complete words)should be cited in the paper, in strict order and should have a footnote with a descriptive title. Photographs, charts, and maps are to be referred to as figures.
- Figure captions should be typed as a normal paragraph outside and below the image. To ensure visual quality, set images must be high resolution and a size of 500 kb; they should be at least 8.5 cm wide and not exceed 17cm. They must contain the file name numbering to identify its location in the document in PDF, PNG or JPG formats.
- The text for the figures should be Times New Roman, 11 pt.
- Uppercase must not be used in the figure captions.
- Charts should not be included; only tables, which should be automatically created using the word processor without rules. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the paper, for example in figures.
- Decimals should be written with a dot (.), thousands and millions should be written with a comma (,).
- SI units, dimensions, and symbols must be used.
- Figures may be colored, but the author must be aware that printing will be made in gray scale.
- Quoted bibliographical references are to be inserted within the text, using a number in brackets at the level of the text, and separated with a space from the previous word. At the end, references are numbered in that exact ascending order. [1-4], [3,5,8]. You should avoid naming the authors in the citations, it could be written at the end of the idea.
- All equations should be numbered in sequential order.
- References according to document type
Author's first initial + last name, Book title. Edition number. City, country: Publisher, year, page.
- B. Klaus and P. Horn, Robot Vision. 2nd ed. Cambridge, USA: MIT Press, 1986, pp. 123-135.
Book chapters
Author's first initial + last name, “Chapter title”, in Book tittle, edition number, editor's or main author's first initial + last name, city, country: Publisher, year, page.
- G. Young, “Synthetic structure of industrial plastics”, in Plastics, 2nd ed., J. Peters, New York, USA: McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 15–64.
Scientific Journal
Papers Author's first initial + last name, “Paper title”, Journal name, volume, number, page, year.
- S. Azodolmolky et al., “Experimental demonstration of an impairment aware network planning and operation tool for transparent/translucent optical networks”, J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 439–448, 2011.
Author's first initial + last name, “Conference title”, in Conference name, city, country, year, page.
- S. Bingulac, “On the compatibility of adaptive controllers”, in Proc. 4th Annu. Allerton Conf. Circuit and Systems Theory, New York, USA, 1994, pp. 8–16.
Thesis (M.S. and Ph.D.)
Author's first initial + last name, “Thesis title”, Ph.D. dissertation or M.S. thesis, university, city, country, year.
- J. Williams, “Narrow-band analyzer”, Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, USA, 1993.
- N. Kawasaki, “Parametric study of thermal and chemical nonequilibrium nozzle flow”, M.S. thesis, Dept. Electron. Eng., Osaka Univ., Osaka, Japan, 1993.
Author's first initial + last name, “Report title”, Organization or University, city, country, Tech. Rep., month, year.
- E. Reber, R. Michell and C. Carter, “Oxygen absorption in the earth’s atmosphere”, Aerospace Corp., Los Angeles, USA, Tech. Rep. TR-0200 (4230-46)-3, Nov. 1988.
Author's first initial + last name, “Patent tittle”, U.S. Patent x xxx xxx, month, day, year.
- K. Sandhage, R. Unocic, M. Dickerson, M. Timberlake and K. Guerra, “Method for Fabricating High-Melting, Wear-Resistant Ceramics and Ceramic Composites at Low Temperatures”, U.S. Patent 6 598 656, July 29, 2003.
Organization that assumes the authorship, Standard title, Standard number, year.
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), IEEE Criteria for Class IE Electric Systems, IEEE Standard 308, 1969.
Online references
Author's first initial + last name (or organization that assumes the authorship), Reference title, year. [Online]. Available: URL, Accessed on: month, day, year.
- Antcom, Antenna Products, 2011. [Online]. Available: /documents/catalogs /L1L2GPSAntennas.pdf, Accessed on: Feb. 12, 2014.
- Avoid footnotes.
- When using acronyms or abbreviations, spell out the complete name first, and then write the acronym or abbreviation in parenthesis. Use only the acronym or abbreviation thereafter.
- All papers submitted to this journal must be unpublished and should not be undergoing current publishing processes elsewhere. If the paper is accepted, it should not be published in another journal or book even if it is in another language. Being this a peer-reviewed journal, the Editorial Board approves the publication of papers based on the concept of specialized peer reviewers.
In Revista Facultad de Ingeniería –redin-, for the evaluation process, the articles are only received through the OJS platform using the website:
1. Information request and initial modifications (one week, journal’s reponse time; one week, author`s response time)
The first step is to scan the manuscript using plagiarism detecting tools such as plagiarisma, Plagscan and soon crosscheck
If under this review process, it can be considered not previously published, the verification of the following information is initially done:
Date of submission of the paper: supplied by OJS Paper title Revision letter of presentation and assignment of copyright, which is correctly and completely completed In the content of the paper the following aspects are verified: Title in Spanish and English Resumen and Abstract Palabras clave and Keywords Complete information of the authors (Institutional affiliation, research group, postal address, city, country)Review of references. (IEEE citation style and ascending order)
The author should Avoid placing figures before their first mention in the text
The paper may have a maximum of 20% self-citations
The figures must comply with the requirements of the guide for authors. The number of pages of the paper is verified according to the instructions for authors, depending on whether it is a review or a research paper.
After this first review, if the manuscript does not fulfill all the requirements, authors are notified through OJS and requested the necessary adjustments to continue the process. Then, it is decided which papers will begin the arbitration process. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that all sections of this document and the final accepted version of the manuscript have been read and approved by each of the contributing authors.
The date of receipt is defined once the author has made the previous revisions, not at the moment of entering the OJS.
2. Thematic Editor Selection (3 days)
The thematic editor of the journal, in charge of the evaluation process of the paper, determine whether the paper is suitable for publication and the quality of English is enough to send it to arbitration process. In case of finding that the paper does not meet the minimum quality requirements, the work is rejected and the correspondence author is notified.
3. Evaluators Selection (Evaluators are assigned from the article submission until the end of the evaluation )
When the paper meets these requirements, it will be sent out for three single-blind peer-reviews (within a period of one month) through the OJS of the journal until receiving at least two evaluations of the work. Peer reviewers are external experts chosen by editors to provide written opinions, with the aim of improving the study. This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. The would-be peers are selected from researchers' databases to which the Universidad de Antioquia's School of Engineering Journal has access. The peers will be active researchers in the areas of interest having a recognized trajectory in areas related to the topic of the article. These conditions are verified through their curriculum vitae and by reviewing their publications over the last two years. For the reviewing process, the journal has two formats, one for review papers and the other for research papers or case reports.
- Evaluators’ corrections to the autor (1 month)
In addition, reviewers can send additional files if they deem it necessary, and can also record their findings or observations in the body of the article, and send these files to the journal through the OJS. The evaluations are sent by the journal to the correspondence author through the OJS and are given a deadline to respond to them and send the latest version of the paper.
Once the new version of the paper has been received with the changes and the responses to the evaluations, the Editorial Board will review this material, if there are major revisions, the authors' replies and the latest version will be sent back to the reviewers. In case the evaluations have suggested minor revisions, the Editorial Board accepts or declines the submission. The editor in charge of the evaluation of the paper shall notify the author (s) the decisions about the paper.
4. English proofreading (1 week english editor and once the author has completed the English language review )
When the paper successfully exceeds the scientific quality assessment, the manuscripst are submitted to the plagiarism detection programs listed above. If it has been previously published, it is rejected, otherwise the manuscript undergoes English proofreading. This procces is done through e-mails between the journal and the correspondence author until the author adjusts the paper to the quality demanded by the journal. Once you have the approval of the quality of English by the correspondent editor, the editorial style process begins.
The approval and the online publication dates are defined once the author has completed the English language review.
5. Review of editorial style (1 week)
During this stage messages are exchanged by OJS platform between the author and the staff in charge of this work in the journal, the author is asked for answers at times defined by the journal taking into account the observations made. The journal reserves the right to edit the manuscript if deemed necessary before the document is published (spelling, diagramming, citation, among others). Once the paper meets the requirements, the manuscript undergoes layout process before publication. At this stage, it is defined the issue in which the paper will be published.
6. Layout and publication processes (2 days and 1 week)
Using Latex software, the paper is given the format. After the first layout, the journal verifies the content has not been altered and it is subsequently sent to the correspondence author, requesting a review; If necessary, some adjustments are indicated to satify both the author and the journal. Through OJS the number of the journal to be published is created and the paper is included.
Every article accepted for publication in the journal is assigned a DOI number before being pusblished online
Research paper
Case report
Case reports will only be published when those cases are related to studies in which the validity of a methodology is being proven for the first time, or when a significant contribution to the knowledge of an unexplored system can be proven.
Copyright Notice
Authors can archive the pre-print version (i.e., the version prior to peer review) and post-print version (that is, the final version after peer review and layout process) on their personal website, institutional repository and / or thematic repository
- Upon acceptance of an article, it will be published online through the page in PDF version with its correspondent DOI identifier
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