Evaluation of QoS in HFC networks to distribution of interactive digital television (ITV) applications


  • Diego Rueda Pepinosa University of Cauca
  • Wilmar Campo University of Cauca
  • Ivan Taimal Narváez University of Cauca
  • José L. Arciniegas H. University of Cauca




T-Learning, HFC, DOCSIS, QoS, Interactive Digital Television (iTV)


Applications developed for Interactive Digital Television (iTV) generate a consumption of additional resources to telecommunications network. It is therefore necessary do an analysis and evaluation of protocols and resources of the telecommunications network used to ensure the proper functioning of such applications, when they come to compete for network resources with other services that are distributed on the network simultaneously. In this paper, we present the analisys and evaluation of the performance parameters of the HFC network, when T-Learning applications share network resources with other services such as HTTP, FTP and VoIP. For this purpose, we propose a simulation model which analyzed the throughput, packet loss, delay and jitter on the HFC network when changing the parameter settings offered by the DOCSIS protocol to provide QoS.

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Author Biographies

Diego Rueda Pepinosa, University of Cauca

Telematics Engineering Group – GIT. Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications.

Wilmar Campo, University of Cauca

Telematics Engineering Group – GIT. Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications.

Ivan Taimal Narváez, University of Cauca

Telematics Engineering Group – GIT. Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications.

José L. Arciniegas H., University of Cauca

Telematics Engineering Group – GIT. Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications.


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How to Cite

Rueda Pepinosa, D. ., Campo, W., Narváez, I. T., & Arciniegas H., J. L. (2012). Evaluation of QoS in HFC networks to distribution of interactive digital television (ITV) applications . Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (63), 9–19. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.12480