Study of the relationships between structural parameters of disordered porous media and effective diffusivity by Kinetic Monte Carlo


  • Alejandro Alejandro National University of Colombia
  • John Jairo Castañeda National University of Colombia
  • Elizabeth Pabón National University of Colombia



Monte Carlo, effective diffusivity, porous media, percolation threshold, diffusion mechanisms


The effect of porosity and pore size on transport properties of hydrogen in a disordered porous medium is studied by kinetic Monte Carlo. The randomness of the pores in the medium, inscribed inside a simple cubic lattice, was corroborated by calculating the percolation threshold from the order parameter. In regard to mass transport, results suggest that pore size varied between 1 and 5 nm only affects the effective diffusion if porosity values are close to the percolation threshold. Moreover, such diffusivity is mostly independent of H2 molecules concentration. Simulation allowed to characterize the anomalous diffusional behavior as a function of porosity, and it is consequent to the previously reported results for two-dimensional lattices.

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Author Biographies

Alejandro Alejandro, National University of Colombia

Advanced Materials Science Group, School of Chemistry. Materials Science Group, Institute of Chemistry, University of Antioquia.

John Jairo Castañeda, National University of Colombia

Advanced Materials Science Group, School of Chemistry.

Elizabeth Pabón, National University of Colombia

Advanced Materials Science Group, School of Chemistry.


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How to Cite

Alejandro, A., Castañeda, J. J., & Pabón, E. (2012). Study of the relationships between structural parameters of disordered porous media and effective diffusivity by Kinetic Monte Carlo. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (60), 42–50.