A novel graphical and analytical method for the kinematic analysis of fourth class Assur groups


  • Héctor Quintero Technological University of Pereira
  • Gabriel Calle Technological University of Pereira
  • Alexander Díaz Technological University of Pereira
  • Edison Henao Technological University of Pereira




fourth class Assur group, structural analysis, kinematic analysis


A method for the kinematic analysis of a fourth class Assur group, using a combination of graphical and analytical methods, is presented in this paper. The solution is obtained through a method in which two special Assur points are used. A mechanism of 1 DOF with a fourth class group is considered as an example to develop the proposed method. The results of this method are in agreement with the results obtained by a dynamic simulation program. Since there are no solutions for fourth class structural groups in the literature,this method allows developing a complete modular procedure for the kinematic analysis of mechanisms, with the methodological advantages that this type of solution offers.

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Author Biographies

Héctor Quintero, Technological University of Pereira

Manufacturing Processes and Machine Design Group, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Gabriel Calle, Technological University of Pereira

Manufacturing Processes and Machine Design Group, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Alexander Díaz, Technological University of Pereira

Manufacturing Processes and Machine Design Group, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Edison Henao, Technological University of Pereira

Manufacturing Processes and Machine Design Group, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.


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How to Cite

Quintero, H., Calle, G., Díaz, A., & Henao, E. (2012). A novel graphical and analytical method for the kinematic analysis of fourth class Assur groups. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (60), 81–91. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.13660