Digital fabrication of construction models: analysis of equipments and procedures


  • Rodrigo García Alvarado University of the Bío Bío



building design, digital fabrication, models, laser-cutter, construction


This paper sets out a preliminary classification of digital fabrication equipment and possible uses in the design and execution of buildings. It proposes the elaboration of construction models by laser cutters in order to study material and industrial possibilities. Digital design strategies for the execution of these models are set out, and the development of an internal script in 3D-modeling software is presented. Finally, several conditions of the elaborated models are analyzed, verifying the constructive issues review on design, as well as, optimisation and industrialization.

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How to Cite

García Alvarado, R. (2012). Digital fabrication of construction models: analysis of equipments and procedures. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (59), 145–157.