Spatial variability of organic matter in soil dedicated to growing malting barley (Hordeum distichum L.)




Norm ISO-17025, Norm NMX-EC-17025-IMNC-2006, Hordeum distichum, organic material spatial variability


The organic matter (OM) contained in soils is one of the properties of major interest due to his paper in the structure and to his recognized influence in the  dynamics  of  solutos.  Characterization  is  therefore  an  aspect  of  great interest.  The  OM  in  soils  cropped  malting  barley  (Hordeum  distichumL.)  are  relatively  low,  so  that  the  uncertainty  and  possible  errors  of  the  analytical  method  may  determine  spatial  variability  studies.  In  this  paper  we  developed  and  validated  a  method  for  analysis  of  OM  according  to  the  criteria of ISO-17025 and designed a quality control, including a study of the variability that the methodology introduced in the results. With the developed methodology has conducted preliminary sampling and sampling end of 39 and 248 representative samples from a plot planted to malting barley Apan Township, south of the state of Hidalgo, Mexico, whose aim was to evaluate the number of samples needed to be taken to characterize this soil and this property  (OM).  The  work  was  completed  with  a  geostatistical  study  of  the  values  of  OM,  which  conclusions  can  be  drawn  for  future  sampling  plans,  development of simulation models and field-scale practical application of fertilization problems.

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Author Biographies

Francisco Prieto García, Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo

Professor-Researcher, Member of the National System of Researchers. Academic Area of Chemistry. Department of Environmental Sciences.

Judith Prieto Méndez, Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo

Institute of Agricultural Sciences.

Otilio Arturo Acevedo Sandoval, Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo

Institute of Basic Sciences and Engineering, Academic Area of Earth Sciences and Materials.


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How to Cite

Prieto García, F., Prieto Méndez, J., & Acevedo Sandoval, O. A. (2014). Spatial variability of organic matter in soil dedicated to growing malting barley (Hordeum distichum L.). Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, 71(71), 141–152.