Sub-actuated anthropometric robotic prototype hand


  • Mauricio Aarón Pérez Romero National Polytechnic Institute
  • Alejandro Tonatiu Velázquez Sánchez National Polytechnic Institute
  • Christopher René Torres San Miguel National Polytechnic Institute
  • Luis Martínez Sáez Polytechnic University of Madrid
  • Pedro Francisco Huerta González National Polytechnic Institute
  • Guillermo Manuel Urriolagoitia Calderón National Polytechnic Institute



CT Scans, robotic manipulator, prosthetics, anthropometry


This work describes the methodology used to obtain the functional prototype of a robotic hand considering anthropometric characteristics, from the analysis and processing of Computerized Tomographic (CT) images that provide information for the development of the analytical study of the synthesis of an under-acted mechanism. with four bars, suitable for the generation of optimal trajectories to carry out the object clamping operation in a punctual, palmar, lateral, cylindrical and spherical shape. In this sense, the scientific and technological relevance obtained from this work is based on the diversity of movements that the device executes in addition to its ability to adapt to various auxiliary components, which perform the function of union with the limb stump. amputee, so it is possible that the designed system is applicable as a prosthesis. In this sense, with this proposal a functional prototype is obtained with optimal versatile characteristics for the manipulation of objects with different geometries that, taking into account the functionality of the system, also provide appearance and symmetry with the human body.

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Author Biographies

Mauricio Aarón Pérez Romero, National Polytechnic Institute

Postgraduate Studies and Research Section, Higher School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

Alejandro Tonatiu Velázquez Sánchez, National Polytechnic Institute

Postgraduate Studies and Research Section, Higher School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

Christopher René Torres San Miguel, National Polytechnic Institute

Postgraduate Studies and Research Section, Higher School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. University Institute of Automobile Research, Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering, Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Luis Martínez Sáez, Polytechnic University of Madrid

University Institute of Automobile Research, Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering.

Pedro Francisco Huerta González, National Polytechnic Institute

Academy of Electronic Engineering, Control and Automation Engineering, Higher School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

Guillermo Manuel Urriolagoitia Calderón, National Polytechnic Institute

Postgraduate Studies and Research Section, Higher School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.


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How to Cite

Pérez Romero, M. A., Velázquez Sánchez, A. T., Torres San Miguel, C. R., Martínez Sáez, L., Huerta González, P. F., & Urriolagoitia Calderón, G. M. (2013). Sub-actuated anthropometric robotic prototype hand . Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (65), 46–59.