Airplane of the muda: support tool for the teaching-learning experience of lean manufacturing
lean manufacturing, game, teaching-learning, problem-based learning, collaborative learningAbstract
This paper proposes a game called “Airplane of the muda”, designed to complement the theoretical classes of lean manufacturing with practical elements allowing to incorporate constructivist principles and collaborative learning based on the teaching-learning process problems of: 7 mudas, 5’S and visual management. This game is exposed based on a theoretical framework for lean manufacturing and some learning theories. Then, provides: case study, materials, distribution, roles, procedures and production runs with the corresponding characterization in cycle times and tack time. From the academic point of view a gap in knowledge is fi lled in the specifi c fi eld for which the article was developed, and besides at a general level there is information for faculty, students and researchers, such as: ideas for future work and methodological elements that serve as a guide to study and generate other games, to support theoretical courses. On a practical level, given its design, simplicity and accessibility of materials needed, the game can be deployed as it is on Lean manufacturing courses of any institution.
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