Multicriteria model to determine the benefit of implementing a ISO 9001:2000 system quality management


  • Juan Carlos Osorio Gómez University of Valle
  • Eliana Díaz Mosquera University of Valle
  • Katherine Garro Astudillo University of Valle


system quality management, ISO 9001:2000, Analytic Hierarchic Process (AHP)


Manufacturing companies are implementing quality management systems ISO 9001:2000 forced by market demands or competition but, after the implementation process the question arises whether or not a profit has been generated and which indicators where improved. A multicriteria model (based on Analytic Hierarchic process - AHP)) to measure the achievement of benefits associated with the system quality management is developed in this paper. This methodology is used in a group of manufacturing companies located in Valle del Cauca - Colombia to define the level of benefits achieved by them. The methodology is reproducible in any organization and it seeks to help directing efforts in making business decisions regarding the implementation of a system quality management.

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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Osorio Gómez, University of Valle

School of Industrial Engineering and Statistics, Faculty of Engineering.

Eliana Díaz Mosquera, University of Valle

School of Industrial Engineering and Statistics, Faculty of Engineering.

Katherine Garro Astudillo, University of Valle

School of Industrial Engineering and Statistics, Faculty of Engineering.


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How to Cite

Osorio Gómez, J. C., Díaz Mosquera, E., & Garro Astudillo, K. (2013). Multicriteria model to determine the benefit of implementing a ISO 9001:2000 system quality management. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (53), 119–127. Retrieved from