The negative sequence impedance as fault indicator in induction motors


  • Fernando Villada University of Antioquia
  • Diego Raúl Cadavid University of Antioquia
  • José Edinson Aedo University of Antioquia
  • Bernardo Andrés Benavides University of Antioquia
  • Esteban Velilla University of Antioquia


induction motors, stator fault diagnosis, negative sequence impedance, digital signal processing (DSP)


An algorithm to detect inter-turn faults in induction motors based on the negative sequence impedance is presented in this paper. The implementation through a digital prototype is also explained and its results are tested using a 3 Hp induction motor designed to induce inter-turn faults. It is concluded that the robustness of the algorithm can detect incipient faults from five turns, and it is a good tool for predictive maintenance of induction motors.

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How to Cite

Villada, F., Cadavid, D. R., Aedo, J. E., Benavides, B. A., & Velilla, E. (2013). The negative sequence impedance as fault indicator in induction motors. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (52), 7–13. Retrieved from

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