Active and reactive power flow regulation for a grid connected vsc based on fuzzy controllers




fuzzy control, membership functions, grid connected system, voltage source converter


Voltage Source Converters (VSC) are one of the most used converters in distributed generation application and HVDC systems, since a VSC can operate either as inverter or rectifier. Furthermore, a VSC allows fast, accurate and independent active and reactive power flow control. However, a VSC is a double- input double-output non-linear control objet, therefore; nonlinear control strategies can be useful in order to obtain desired behaviors. In particular, knowledge based fuzzy controller does not require a mathematic model of the system it just relies on a qualitative knowledge about the behavior of the system. Moreover, the same fuzzy controller can be applied to any VSC with any power ratio. This paper presents the analysis, design and results obtained by using fuzzy controllers for regulating the active and reactive power flow in a Voltage Source Converter (VSC) connected to the utility grid. Additionally, it is shown that the transitory and stationary response of the VSC depends on the shape of membership functions at different power ratios. Digital simulation was performed in order to verify the behavior of the controller under different power levels. Finally, a VSC prototype with fuzzy controllers was tested experimentally.

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Author Biographies

Nelson Díaz Aldana, Francisco José de Caldas District University

Research Laboratory on Alternative Energy Sources of the Department of Electronic Engineering.

César Leonardo Trujillo, Francisco José de Caldas District University

Research Laboratory on Alternative Energy Sources of the Department of Electronic Engineering.

José Guillermo Guarnizo, Francisco José de Caldas District University

Research Laboratory on Alternative Energy Sources of the Department of Electronic Engineering.


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How to Cite

Díaz Aldana, N., Trujillo, C. L., & Guarnizo, J. G. (2013). Active and reactive power flow regulation for a grid connected vsc based on fuzzy controllers. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (66), 118–130.