Is it in crisis engineering in the world? A literature review


  • Edgar Serna M. University Corporation Remington
  • Alexei Serna A. Antioquia Research Institute



educational processes, teaching qualification, crisis of engineering


In this article, after an extensive literature review, seeks to answer this question. The consultation was conducted through search engines, were found 89 documents related to the topic and after apply the inclusion and exclusion criteria and quality, were reduced to 58. In the analysis was concluded that engineering is in crisis because: Missing trained professionals, high school graduates do not want to take these courses, teachers have no professional experience, universities lack dynamism to update the programs, and need more training in mathematics. In Colombia this situation does not change much: in different forums and seminars where the issue is discussed and in several publications similar conclusions are reached. Countries like USA, Brazil, Australia and Germany began analysis processes that culminated around 2008, when presented respective reports and initiated programs to find solutions.

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Author Biographies

Edgar Serna M., University Corporation Remington


Alexei Serna A., Antioquia Research Institute



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How to Cite

Serna M., E., & Serna A., A. (2013). Is it in crisis engineering in the world? A literature review. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (66), 199–208.