Phosphorus removal in different wastewater by fluidized bed airlift reactors with internal circulation




aerobic reactor, fluidized bed, internal circulation, biological phosphorus removal


The wastewater discharge produces impacts on receiving water bodies. Nutrients as P produce implications on lentic systems because they accelerate the eutrophication processes. Several technologies for P removal from the wastewater have been used: physic chemical treatment systems with important effects by coagulant products addition; biological processes based on anaerobic and aerobic conditions with great implications on the required volume; natural systems as stabilization ponds and irrigation require bigger areas and post-treatment processes. The aerobic fluidized bed reactors with internal circulation (AFBRIC) are compact options with high concentrations of active biomass that have demonstrated their capacity for organic matter and N removal. For sewage from the wastewater pumping station of Ilha Solteira city and effluents of a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) for semi-intensive tilapia farming, the reactive P and total P removal efficiency in three AFBRIC with 250 mm external tube diameter and different internal tube diameter (ITD), for two different support media at different concentrations was evaluated. The average reactive P removal efficiency for domestic wastewater to hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 3 hours and 125 mm ITD reactor varied from 25,6 to 38,4% and with 150 mm ITD reactor varied from 27,5 to 32,5%; the average total P removal for the RAS wastewater at a HRT of 0,19 hours and 100 mm ITD was of 32,7%.

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Author Biographies

Iván Andrés Sánchez Ortiz, University of Narino

Department of Hydrobiological Resources.

Gleyce Teixeira Correia, UNESP

Faculty of Engineering of Ilha Solteira - Department of Civil Engineering.

Dib Gebara, UNESP

Faculty of Engineering of Ilha Solteira - Department of Civil Engineering.

Milton Dall’Aglio Sobrinho, UNESP

Faculty of Engineering of Ilha Solteira - Department of Civil Engineering.

Tsunao Matsumoto, UNESP

Faculty of Engineering of Ilha Solteira - Department of Civil Engineering.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Ortiz, I. A., Teixeira Correia, G., Gebara, D., Sobrinho, M. D., & Matsumoto, . T. (2013). Phosphorus removal in different wastewater by fluidized bed airlift reactors with internal circulation. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (67), 172–182.

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