Use of fuzzy logic for the administration of a structural control system based on magnetorheological dampers




semi-active control of structures, fuzzy logic, magnetorheological dampers, dynamic of structures


Magnetorheological dampers are energy dissipation devices that develop variable control forces useful for the administration of structural systemsunder the effect of dynamic loads. In general, these devices are governed by complex and sophisticated algorithms that required a high processing power. This paper proposes the use of a control algorithm based on fuzzy logic which makes adjustments to the command signal of magnetorheological dampers in a simple and faster way based on the heuristic knowledge of the structure analyzed. From a numerical example was possible to establish that the proposed control project was competent and reliable enough to manage control forces, achieving peak of responses reductions up to 68%.

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Author Biographies

Luis Augusto Lara-Valencia, National University of Colombia

Department of Civil Engineering.

Yamile Valencia-Gonzalez, National University of Colombia

Doctor in Geotechnics, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering.

Jose Luis Vital de Brito, University of Brasilia

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.


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How to Cite

Lara-Valencia, L. A., Valencia-Gonzalez, Y., & Vital de Brito, J. L. (2015). Use of fuzzy logic for the administration of a structural control system based on magnetorheological dampers. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (74), 151–164.