Service-life prediction of reinforced concrete structures through a chloride diffusion model




chloride, corrosion, fick ́s law, service life, concrete, durability, diffusion


Most  of  the  pathologies  presented  in  the  concrete  structures  are  because  of  the  corrosion  process.  Herein,  a  methodology  that  allows  doing  a  quantitative estimation of the service life of concrete structures is presented. This  methodology  uses  chloride  diffusion  models.  The  application  of  the  methodology to a study case is presented.  In this study case were considered all the prescriptions of the durability standards. The results of the estimations 2014of  the  service  life  of  the  structure  are  compared  with  the  recommendations  commonly used, showing the necessity of service life studies.

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Author Biographies

Anile Ossorio, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Civil Engenering Department.

Raydel Lorenzo , Federal University of Tocantins

Civil Engenering Department.


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How to Cite

Ossorio, A., & Lorenzo , R. (2014). Service-life prediction of reinforced concrete structures through a chloride diffusion model. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (72), 161–172.