Reducing the hardware requirements in FPGAbased controllers: a photovoltaic application




photovoltaic, grid connection, FPGA implementation, resources requirement


Single-phase grid connected photovoltaic systems suffer from voltage oscillations due to the difference between the average power produced by the source and the pulsating instantaneous power injected into the grid. Suchvoltage variations have a detrimental effect on the power production. This paper proposes a solution for mitigating the oscillations at the source terminals minimizing the hardware resources required to implement the technique in a FPGA device, allowing its coexistence with additional control algorithms in a single device. The effectiveness of the approach was experimentally validated, and its FPGA resources requirement was contrasted with commercial IP cores based solutions.

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How to Cite

Ramos-Paja, C., Mamarelis, E., Petrone, G., Spagnuolo, G., Vitelli, M., & Giral, . R. (2013). Reducing the hardware requirements in FPGAbased controllers: a photovoltaic application. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (68), 75–87.