Single-pixel optical sensing architecture for compressive hyperspectral imaging


  • Hoover Fabián Rueda-Chacón University of Delaware
  • Cesar Augusto Vargas-García University of Delaware
  • Henry Arguello-Fuentes Industrial University of Santander



hyperspectral imaging, compressive sensing, optical imaging, coded aperture-based systems, single-pixel detector


Compressive hyperspectral imaging systems (CSI) capture the threedimensional (3D) information of a scene by measuring two-dimensional (2D) coded projections in a Focal Plane Array (FPA). These projections are then exploited by means of an optimization algorithm to obtain an estimation of the underlying 3D information. The quality of the reconstructions is highly dependent on the resolution of the FPA detector, which cost grows exponentially with the resolution. High-resolution low-cost reconstructions are thus desirable. This paper proposes a Single Pixel Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor (SPHIS) to capture and reconstruct hyperspectral images. This optical architecture relies on the use of multiple snapshots of two timevarying coded apertures and a dispersive element. Several simulations with two different databases show promising results as the reliable reconstruction of a hyperspectral image can be achieved by using as few as just the 30% of its voxels.

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Author Biographies

Hoover Fabián Rueda-Chacón, University of Delaware

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Cesar Augusto Vargas-García, University of Delaware

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, associate professor.

Henry Arguello-Fuentes, Industrial University of Santander

Associate Professor, School of Systems Engineering and Informatics.


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How to Cite

Rueda-Chacón, H. F., Vargas-García, C. A., & Arguello-Fuentes, H. (2014). Single-pixel optical sensing architecture for compressive hyperspectral imaging. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (73), 134–143.