Ontological approach to detect holonic concepts in organizations
holon, ontology, schemes preconceptual, holonic systemsAbstract
Today, organizations have difficulties to understanding the holonic paradigm and further, to identify in their production processes possible holons existence. There are artifacts such as ontologies and pre-conceptual schemas which represent knowledge to understand the elements of a domain. Current literature suggests some ontologies to represent holonic concepts, but these ontologies lack of integration with the processes of an organization. These organizational processes are found mainly, in natural language which by its nature is ambiguous and present linguistic irregularities. Knowing whether a company has holons or it handles holonic properties requires a complex investigation by analysts. This paper proposes an ontology that helps to understand what is a holonic system and see if a process in an organization, modeled by pre-conceptual schemas, handling holonic characteristics. This paper provides an insight into the possible implementation of holonic systems in an organization.
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