Computational Intelligence Techniques Applied to Coagulant Estimation Models in Water Purification Process


  • Carlos Alberto Villarreal Campos ACUAVALLE S.A. – E.S.P.
  • Eduardo Caicedo Bravo University of Valle



coagulant dosing, artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic sugeno type, fuzzy logic Mamdani type, ANFIS, water purification


Four coagulant estimation models in water purification process are presented. For its developing computational intelligence techniques are used, which include neural networks, fuzzy logic (Sugeno and Mamdani type) and ANFIS structures. The methodology described is based on the operator's experience extraction from operational historical data (in neural network, fuzzy logic Sugeno type and ANFIS case), and the linguistic information given by an experimented plant operator (in fuzzy logic Mamdani type case). According to the reached results, by applying some of this models in a control system strategy, could be possible overcome some of the current limitations found in the most widely used techniques for coagulant dosing in water purification plants; jar tests and streaming current detector.

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Author Biographies

Carlos Alberto Villarreal Campos, ACUAVALLE S.A. – E.S.P.

Plant Process and Quality Control Department.

Eduardo Caicedo Bravo, University of Valle

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.


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How to Cite

Villarreal Campos, C. A., & Caicedo Bravo, E. (2014). Computational Intelligence Techniques Applied to Coagulant Estimation Models in Water Purification Process. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (69), 205–215.