Distributed generation scheme analysis as an option for colombian electrical system
Distributed generation, centralized generation, cogeneration, colombian electrical systemAbstract
This article presents an analysis about the pertinence of the implementation of distributed generation systems in Colombia. Different experiences of this type of generation schemes adopted in several countries are explored, making a special emphasis on the economic and environmental results, and on the improvement of the electrical supply reliability reported by different authors. A characterization of the Colombian electrical sector is made, through an historical synthesis of its evolution until its present state. Finally, a comparison between the described cases and the current state of the national electrical sector is presented, defining advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of distributed generation in Colombia, as well as, conditions for an effective and permanent positioning of these technologies in power schemes similar to those in Colombia. This work concludes with the real possibility for the implementation of distributed generation systems under conditions of government stimulus for the development of generation technologies based on renewable energies and co-generation.
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