Implementation of a bus with natural gas articulated motor in Colombia’s massive transportation system: A technical study
alternative fuel, articulated bus, compressed natural gas, massive transportation system, testing protocolAbstract
This paper shows the results of the performance of an articulated prototype bus fueled with compressed natural gas (CNG). The results will be used to establish the technical viability of the fleet implementation in the massive transport systems of the largest Colombian cities. In order to carry out the evaluation, some SAE recommended practices were modified to set with this kind of bus. Main performance parameters were obtained. The tests were made in two different cities the first one was Bogotá, Colombia’s capital with 10 million inhabitants and located at 2600 meters above sea level (masl). The second city was Cali, with 4 million inhabitants and located at 900 masl. The results show that it is feasible to implement this articulated bus in the city of Cali, whereas in Bogota some modifications in the fuel system are needed, since the bus prototype does not fulfill the acceleration requirements imposed by the local authorities for massive transport systems. On the other hand the fuel consumption is similar to that of the articulated buses fueled with diesel fuel that actually operate in Bogotá.
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