Electrical energy conversion system design with single-phase inverter and H5 transformerless topology
single-phase inverter H5, solar energy, control systems, unipolarPWMAbstract
This paper presents the design of an electrical energy conversion system (EECS) for the use of solar energy and its conditioning for injection of energy to the commercial power grid. A single-phase full-bridge inverter with transformerless H5 topology coupled to an LCL filter is used. The system is identified using an averaged small-signal state space model; while the used cascade control scheme is tuned by pole placement and includes a maximum power disturb-observe tracking type algorithm of that increases efficiency by operating the system at the optimum operating point of the solar panel. This design describes essential technical aspects in the components sizing and selection for experimental development, as well as the control structure design for a good performance to face systems perturbations.
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