First-principles calculations of the pressure dependence on the structural and electronic properties of GaN/CrN superlattice




pressureeffects, superlattice, electronic properties


This work provides fi rst-principle calculations to investigate how pressureaffects the electronic and magnetic properties of 1x1-GaN/CrN superlattice. A methodbased on Full-Potential Linearized Augmented Plane Waves (FP-LAPW) is used exactly asimplemented in code Wien2k. It was found that the most favorable phase for 1x1-GaN/CrNsuperlattice is the hexagonal wurtzite type, and also that, due to pressure, the superlatticecan reach the NaCl phase, with a transition pressure PT1 = 13.5 GPa. Additionally, in themost favorable phase, it was observed that the magnetic moment changes from 0 to 2.1 μβfor a transition pressure PT2 = 25.50 GPa. From the calculations of the density states, it canbe stated that the superlattice exhibits a half-metallic behavior at equilibrium pressure.Moreover, at high pressures P > PT2, the superlattice exhibits a metallic behavior. Theevidence indicates that the superlattice may be used in spintronics.

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Author Biographies

Miguel José Espitia-Rico, University Francisco Jose de Caldas

Study Group on Physics, Statistics and Mathematics (GEFEM), Faculty of Engineering.

John Hernán Díaz-Forero, University Francisco Jose de Caldas

Study Group on Physics, Statistics and Mathematics (GEFEM), Faculty of Engineering.

Luis Eduardo Castillo-Méndez, University Francisco Jose de Caldas

Study Group on Physics, Statistics and Mathematics (GEFEM), Faculty of Engineering.


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How to Cite

Espitia-Rico, M. J., Díaz-Forero, J. H., & Castillo-Méndez, L. E. (2015). First-principles calculations of the pressure dependence on the structural and electronic properties of GaN/CrN superlattice. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (76), 143–147.