Use of a flow balance method for the evaluation of the hydrologic behavior of the wetland “ciénaga de Cachimbero”


  • Nelson Molina Giraldo Universidad de Antioquia
  • Carolina Piza Torres Universidad de Antioquia
  • Álvaro Wills Toro Universidad de Antioquia



wetland, water balance, hydrology, flow balance model


The Wetland “ciénaga de Cachimbero”, located in the municipality of Cimitarra, Santander, has ecological and environmental importance for the region. It has been inventoried by the Ministry of the Environment and been catalogued as Palustral. A combined modeling and experimental approach to the hydrology of the wetland was carried out aiming at establishing a temporal evaluation scheme; the principal components of the water balance were determined. A scheme of observation and analysis of the hydrological variables, allowing the modeling of the flow balance, was implemented. The main objective of this work was then to formulate a dailyscale operative model of the natural hydrology behavior of the wetland aimed at the prediction of the temporal patterns of the water level and volume variations. It was found that the hydrology behavior is primarily controlled by the rain patterns, the morphometric characteristics of the basin (bathymetry), the evapotranspiration processes, and the flow patterns of the river that communicates the wetland with the Magdalena River.

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Author Biographies

Nelson Molina Giraldo, Universidad de Antioquia

Grupo de Investigación en Gestión y Modelación Ambiental —GAIA

Carolina Piza Torres, Universidad de Antioquia

Grupo de Investigación en Gestión y Modelación Ambiental —GAIA

Álvaro Wills Toro, Universidad de Antioquia

Grupo de Investigación en Gestión y Modelación Ambiental —GAIA


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How to Cite

Molina Giraldo, N., Piza Torres, C., & Wills Toro, Álvaro. (2014). Use of a flow balance method for the evaluation of the hydrologic behavior of the wetland “ciénaga de Cachimbero”. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (39), 56–68.